Air Quality: Stations

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This API retreives info for Official ground-based monitoring stations.
Specifically, data from official stations as of August 2019 and onwards are daily crawled and stored into the database of the hub. Approximately 10,651 daily air-quality measurements from 12,000 stations around the world are retrieved, parsed, harmonized, and ingested into the storage of the hub.

The following table presents an indicative list of the data sources already integrated and provided to the PARSEC beneficiaries. (Global) Measurements are retrieved hourly. (Attica, Greece) Measurements are retrieved daily at 16:00. (Central Macedonia, Greece) (Thessaloniki, Greece) Measurements are retrieved daily at 12:30.

All measurements are stored according to the universal time zone - UTC.

For each source, the temporal resolution is defined, ranging from 1h to 8h to 24h.

For some sources, the temporal resolution may not fall under any one of these categories (e.g. in Thessaloniki the measurements are taken hourly from 00:00pm until 11:00am (11 measurements) and the max value from all collected is provided). In these cases, the hub makes an assumption that the temporal resolution is for 1h. Also, there are many cases where the temporal resolution is unknown (e.g. openAQ stations worldwide). In these cases, the hub also makes an assumption that the temporal resolution is for 1h and accepts all measurements into the database even if a pollutant’s default temporal resolution is different than 1h. Additionally, supportive information such as max/average/latest values are also registered.

For each station the following data is stored:
• City, County
• Coordinates of the station
• Latest measurement (Date, Time). Depending on the source, but usually the hourly max values of the day or the daily average is used
• Pollutants’ concentrations: PM10 (usually provided as 24h or 1h average), PM2.5 (24h or 1h average) -> μg/m3, SO2 (24h or 1h average), CO (8h or 1h average), O3 (8h or 1h average), NO2 (1h average) -> ppm

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Additional Info

Field Value
Last Updated May 9, 2023, 14:33 (UTC)
Created May 8, 2023, 10:01 (UTC)
Access Level Public
Language English
Sector Environment