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Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors.
EFFIS - Annual Reports on Forest Fires in Europe
Annual Reports on Forest Fires in Europe. -
European State of the Climate 2021 Wildfires
This section looks at wildfires in 2021. Potential for wildfires is explored by providing an estimate of the fire danger, given the weather conditions experienced. There is also... -
EFFIS - Current Situation Viewer
The most up to date information on the current fire season in Europe and in the Mediterranean area. This includes today meteorological fire danger maps and forecast up to 6... -
EFFIS - Long-term fire weather forecast
Monthly and seasonal forecast of temperature and rainfall anomalies that are expected to prevail over European and Mediterranean areas. -
Air Quality: Sensors
This API helps you retrieve data from low-cost air quality sensors, starting from September 2019 and onwards. The data hub is continuously crawling around 27,394 measurements... -
Air Quality: Stations
This API retreives info for Official ground-based monitoring stations. Specifically, data from official stations as of August 2019 and onwards are daily crawled and stored into... -
Land Cover on Wetlands
Data describes the scope and coverage of peatbogs and wetlands (incl. reed beds). 2. 3. Wetlands in Finland. 4. Delineation of these areas was made using Topographic Database... -
Animal and vegetable products from the food and beverage sector
The PRTR Animal and vegetable products from the food and beverage sector includes the following activities: (a) Slaughterhouses with a carcass production capacity of 50 tonnes... -
EU Biomass flows
The dataset stores harmonised data on biomass supply, uses and flows in the EU compiled by the JRC Units contributing to the Biomass assessment study. This dataset mirrors the... -
Intentions of logging
Metsäkeskus publishes monitoring information on felling intentions in accordance with the forest use declaration. The forest owner is obliged to make a forest use notification... -
Forest stock patterns
Forest stock patterns The forest resource pattern refers to a forest area that is uniform in terms of intervention needs, habitat and stand. The average pattern size in the... -
Waterbase - Transitional, coastal and marine waters
Waterbase is the generic name given to the EEA databases on the status and quality of Europes rivers, lakes, groundwater bodies and transitional, coastal and marine waters, and... -
Submarine structures made by leaking gases in the UK
Map showing potential and high confidence mapped extents of Annex I habitat ‘submarine structures making by leaking gases’ within the boundaries of the UK continental shelf.... -
Sandbanks in the UK
This dataset shows the potential and high confidence mapped extents of Annex I habitat 'Sandbank' within the boundaries of the UK continental shelf. 'Sandbank' here refers to... -
Reefs in UK waters
This dataset contains all geospatial data that show the potential and high confidence mapped extents of Annex I habitat 'Reef' in UK waters, including any additional areas that... -
Seagrass Meadows
This layer shows the current known extent of Seagrass meadows in European waters, collated by EMODnet Seabed Habitats. Seagrasses provide essential habitat and nursery areas for... -
Predictive Habitat Map - Salinity regime
Salinity regime class layer in the Baltic Sea and Kattegat strait. Produced by EMODnet Seabed Habitats as an input layer for the 2019 EUSeaMap broad-scale habitat model. The map... -
Predictive Habitat Map - Oxygen Regime
Oxygen regime class layer in the Black Sea produced by EMODnet Seabed Habitats as an input layer for the 2016 EUSeaMap broad-scale habitat model. The map of oxygen regime... -
Predictive Habitat Map - Energy class
Energy class layer produced by EMODnet Seabed Habitats as an input layer for the 2019 EUSeaMap broad-scale habitat model. The extent of the mapped area includes the Baltic Sea,... -
Predictive Habitat Map - Substrate type
Classified seabed substrate types for European seas. Produced by EMODnet Seabed Habitats as an input layer for the 2019 EUSeaMap broad-scale habitat model, based on EMODnet...