Departmental cycle paths in Seine-Saint-Denis
The cycle routes present on the heritage of the departmental roads and their characteristics. -
Paris - Cycling Network
Ce jeu de données permet de visualiser les aménagements This dataset enables the visualization of the cycling facilities present on the Parisian territory in May 2015. 5 main... -
Paris-Saclay - Soft traffic
Greenways, tracks and cycle paths of the Paris Saclay conurbation community. -
Bicycle development projects subsidised by the Île-de-France Region
Bicycle development projects subsidised by the Île-de-France Region since October 2011. -
Inter-municipalities in Île-de-France with a cycling scheme
Inter-municipalities in Île-de-France with a cycling scheme. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, some local authorities may have a cycling scheme but the... -
Ile-de-France departments with a cycling scheme
Administrative boundaries of Île-de-France departments (based on the IGN's GEOFLA layer of municipalities) with a cycling scheme. Please note that this is not an exhaustive... -
Communes in Île-de-France with a cycling scheme
Municipalities in the Île-de-France region (GeoFLA reference system) with a cycling plan. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list, some local authorities may have a... -
Cycling facilities in Île-de-France
Geographical layer describing linear cycling facilities in Île-de-France: cycle paths, cycle lanes, meeting areas, etc. -
Bike parking in Île-de-France
Geographical layer describing bicycle parking spaces in Île-de-France: arches, racks, Véligo stations, etc. -
Points of contact Véligo Location
Geographical layer describing Véligo Location's physical points of contact in Ile-de-France. -
Véligo bike parks in Île-de-France
Geographical layer describing the Île-de-France Mobilités bicycle parking facilities (formerly known as "Véligo stations"). -
Scope of Urban Renewal Projects (PRU) in Paris Region
Urban renewal projects of the National Agency for Urban Renewal. -
Construction and refurbishment of student residences since 2004
The dataset includes all the creations and rehabilitation operations of student residences since 2004, i.e. approximately 16,000 dwellings. -
EcoDistricts base
Exhaustive reading of all the sustainable urban development projects included in the EcoQuartier approach between 2009 and 2016). -
Green spaces and similar areas
This surface layer geographically locates the area of public green spaces (parks, squares, promenades etc...) managed by the City of Paris. -
Islets of freshness - Equipments and Activities
This dataset lists the "fresh" facilities and activities on the Parisian territory. Fresh equipment can be of different categories: Swimming pools; Outdoor swimming pools;...