Potential offshore aquaculture sites

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The AtlantOS aquaculture site selection product described here was derived from a physical model; validated by the In-situ ocean data. A number of variables (bathymetry, wind, wave and currents, exposure) were used to develop the product. The dataset avaialble here is a research and development demonstration product only and as such is not suitable for Marine Spatial Planning or other similar purposes. The dataset delineates Atlantic marine waters around Ireland that meet all the criteria below: - water depth ≥ 15 m - maximum tidal velocity of < 1 m/s - maximum significant wave height, max_Hs, < 4 m - Ninetieth percentile value of a significant wave height (Hs), Hs_P90 < 2 m

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Field Value
Source https://data.europa.eu/data/datasets/140b21e3-e5a6-4418-a935-52ac6e8fdf20?locale=en
Last Updated October 25, 2021, 16:33 (UTC)
Created October 19, 2021, 13:19 (UTC)
Access level Public
Data timespan 2018-2021
Geographical area Ireland
Language English
Organization Marine Institute (Ireland)