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Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors.
Street lighting
Street lighting data containing : - EP light points - Illuminated street furniture -
Breathe easier in the 20th - Mini-station data
Data set of mini-stations compared to Airparif reference stations. These data show the hourly rate of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in µg/m3 measured by mini-stations distributed in... -
Green spaces and similar areas
This surface layer geographically locates the area of public green spaces (parks, squares, promenades etc...) managed by the City of Paris. -
Islets of freshness - Equipments and Activities
This dataset lists the "fresh" facilities and activities on the Parisian territory. Fresh equipment can be of different categories: Swimming pools; Outdoor swimming pools;... -
Car sharing stations - Toulouse
Location of car sharing stations in the City of Toulouse.