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Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors.
Contaminants and biological effects of contaminants in sediment
Contaminants and biological effects of contaminants in sediment Temporal and spatial trend data for monitoring the environmental quality. For example OSPAR, HELCOM, AMAP and... -
Contaminants and biological effects of contaminants in biota
Contaminants and biological effects of contaminants in biota Temporal and spatial trend data for monitoring the environmental quality. For example OSPAR, HELCOM, AMAP and ICES... -
ICES Vulnerable Marine Ecosystem (VME) indicators and habitats data
VME data portal is a central portal for data on the distribution and abundance of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs), (and organisms considered to be indicators of VMEs) across... -
Environmental Marine Information System
The Marine Geoportal EMIS relies on biological and physical variables generated from both hydrodynamic models and satellite remote sensing. A number of these variables and... -
Wind data set of ENSPRESO - an open source, EU-28 wide, transparent and coherent database of wind, solar and biomass energy potentials -
EMODnet Human Activities, Main Ports, Goods-Passengers-Vessels Traffic
The geodatabase on maritime transport in EU main ports includes goods, passengers and vessels traffic in the EU and was created in 2014 by Eurofish and Cogea for the European... -
Mediterranean Sea Significant Wave Height extreme variability : Map of the 99th mean percentile computed from the Multi Year Product (upper panel) and anomaly of the 99th... -
Annual average SST anomalies in 2019 relative to the 1993 – 2014 average. Calculated from the ESA SST CCI and C3S global SST analyses (available in product... -
Time series of annual global mean surface sea water pH over the period 1985-2019 using a reconstruction methodology (see method). Trend ± its variation are computed as the mean... -
Marine facilities - Malta
This dataset consists of part of the Strategic Proposals and Marine Objectives as published in the Strategic Plan for the Environment and Development (SPED). It shows the... -
French marinas
Location of marinas (floating ports, anchoring and beaching areas) on the coast of the department of the Channel (France). -
OECD - Threatened species
The data on the state of threatened species build on country replies to the Annual Quality Assurance (AQA) of OECD environmental reference series. These data are harmonised... -
OECD - Fisheries and Aquaculture indicators
This dataset contains statistics on a series of indicators characterizing the fisheries and aquaculture sectors and the fisheries policies of individual countries and economies.... -
OECD - Fishing Fleet
The fishing fleet data collection is part of the more comprehensive data gathering carried out on an annual basis by the Fisheries Committee (COFI) of the Trade and Agriculture... -
Local energy data
The Ministry of the Environment, Energy and the Sea makes local energy data available . This provision is enshrined in article 179 of the law on energy transition for green... -
Waste disposal sites
Waste disposal and household waste incineration plants in the Paris-Saclay conurbation community -
Mobile Sorting
What is mobile sorting? It is a trailer fitted out and towed by a vehicle. Once on the site, the trailer unfolds to allow the public to be received and a ramp gives access to a... -
Christmas trees collection points
Recycling points for Christmas trees from the "Recycle our Trees" operation for the 2019-2020 festive season -
Household waste - Voluntary drop-off points - Textile container
Location of voluntary contribution collection points for textiles. -
Household waste - Voluntary drop-off points - Trilib Stations
Location of local sorting containers accessible 24 hours a day - TRILIB'. These local sorting containers, which are accessible 24 hours a day, enable more and better...