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Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) by waste management operations
(i) Data on Waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) is collected on the basis of Directive 2012/19/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 July 2012 on... -
Enterprises that purchased machinery, equipment or software by NACE Rev. 2 ac...
(i) The Community Innovation Survey (CIS) is a survey about innovation activities in enterprises. The survey is designed to capture the information on different types of... -
Recovery rate of construction and demolition waste
(i)The indicator is part of the Circular Economy indicator set. It is used to monitor progress towards a circular economy on the thematic area of 'waste management'.... -
Production in industry
(i) Short-term statistics (STS) give information on a wide range of economic activities according to NACE Rev.2 classification (Statistical Classification of Economic Activities... -
Output, value added and investments of bioeconomy
(i) Output, value added and investments of bioeconomy. Time series of national accounts were corrected in 2019. (iii) Finland -
Employed persons in bioeconomy
(i) Employed persons in bioeconomy, 1000 persons (iii) Finland -
Exports of bioeconomy goods
(i) The data are mainly based on the national accounts by Statistics Finland. As regards the exports of bioeconomy goods, the CPA classification (European Classification of... -
Biomass of living trees on forest land and on poorly productive forest land
(i) Biomass of living trees on forest land and on poorly productive forest land (mill. t) Biomass of living trees includes dry mass of stems, branches, needles, leaves, stumps... -
Recovery rates for packaging waste
(i) These datasets provide data on packaging and packaging waste in order to monitor compliance with the quantitative recovery and recycling targets. Data is collected on the... -
Recycling rates of packaging waste for monitoring compliance with policy targets
(i) These datasets provide data on packaging and packaging waste in order to monitor compliance with the quantitative recovery and recycling targets. Data is collected on the... -
Recycling rate of packaging waste by type of packaging
(i) The indicator is defined as the share of recycled packaging waste in all generated packaging waste. Packaging waste covers wasted material that was used for the containment,... -
Recycling rates for packaging waste
(i) These datasets provide data on packaging and packaging waste in order to monitor compliance with the quantitative recovery and recycling targets. Data is collected on the... -
Municipal waste by waste management operations
(i) Municipal waste is mainly produced by households, similar wastes from sources such as commerce, offices and public institutions are included. The amount of municipal waste... -
Liquid biofuels production capacities
(i) Data on liquid biofuels production capacities cover the following products: biogasoline, biodiesels, bio jet kerosene and other liquid biofuels. They are displayed in the... -
Imports of biofuels by country
(i) Annual imports and exports data of various energy carriers, such as crude oil and petroleum products, natural gas, electricity, solid fossil fuels and combustible renewables... -
Exports of biofuels by country
Exports of biofuels by partner country -
Use of renewables for transport
(i) This dataset covers the indicator for monitoring progress towards renewable energy targets of the Europe 2020 strategy implemented by Directive 2009/28/EC on the promotion... -
Recycling of biowaste
i() The indicator is indirectly measured as the ratio of composted/methanised municipal waste (in mass unit) over the total population (in number). The ratio is expressed in kg... -
Roundwood removals by type of wood and assortment
Production and trade in wood and paper products: Primary products: roundwood, sawnwood, chips, residues, pellets, veneers, glulam, wood-based panels, pulp, paper,... -
Economic aggregates of forestry
Economic data on forestry and logging, physical and monetary data on supply and use of wood, and employment data. Aggregates include output, intermediate consumption,...